Thursday, January 25, 2007

Cooper's Hawk (buh)

Here it is folks. Really, the only way you can tell it is a Cooper's Hawk and not a Sharp Shinned Hawk is because, in some of the other pictures, you can really tell the tail is rounded rather than flat. Notice the very red eyes and frighteningly opened beak with tearing sharp edge. Roar! (Not that a hawk would roar, but that is more frightening than "screech!") You can also see the pitiful little dove carcass clutched in it's claws. There appears to be a sort of glare on the bottom right corner of all of the photos, that is because I was inside taking the pics through the kitchen door, which has two layers of glass, and the storm door, which adds another layer of glass. When the pics are viewed full scale they are a tad grainy, that is because I used my trusty old Kodak (that doesn't need the low pas filter cleaned unlike another camera I know of)." Oh, what's that I see over there?"
" I am going to eat you!"



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